Amazon Affiliate Vs Amazon Associate

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Jackson Roy

Amazon Associate is a program that pays you for products sold via your website. This is not a commission per sale program but rather a Pay per Click system. Amazon Affiliate is a program that pays you for products sold via your website. It gives you a percentage of the total sale.

What is Amazon Affiliate?

Amazon Associate Vs. Amazon Affiliate

Amazon Affiliate is a service that can be used by bloggers, website owners, and other web publishers to earn some extra cash. This Plateform is free to sign up and easy to use. As a publisher, you display Amazon products on your website with links that look something like this:

When a reader reads or clicks on the link and purchases that product or any other product sold by Amazon within 24 hours, the publisher earns a percentage of the sale (the average is around 4-8%).

Advantages of Amazon Affiliate Program

  • you earn money every time somebody buys a product that you referred to using your Affiliate link.
  • By tracking your referrals and sales, you’ll be able to see which products and niches work best for you.
  • Amazon is a worldwide known company, so it’s trustworthy, and everybody is familiar with its website.
  • You will not have to share your personal information with Amazon unless you want to, and in that case, you can create a new unique identifier for them in the registration form.
  • You can select between whatever you want to work in CPA, CPS, CPC, or PPC.

Disadvantages of Amazon Affiliate 

  • You don’t get PAID unless somebody buys the product you put in front of them.
  • If somebody gets to the Amazon website using your Affiliate link then leaves without buying anything, you won’t get any commission.
  • Customers cannot be automatically assigned to you. If somebody buys a product you referred to on Amazon, you won’t know about it unless they contact you or leave other personal information.

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What is Amazon Associate? 

Amazon Associate Vs. Amazon Affiliate

Amazon Associate (formerly known as Amazon Standard Identification Number) works like the Amazon Affiliate program. Still, instead of earning money by referring people to, you earn commissions by referring people to specific products on Amazon.

The signup process is similar to the Affiliate program: you have to provide the website URL where you’re going to use the Associate program, your name, email address, and tax information. It’s easy to earn 10$ or more a month, and you can even refer friends.

Advantages of Amazon Associate

  • You don’t have to make somebody purchase a product, and you’ll get paid from Amazon as soon as somebody clicks on your link.
  • You will be able to track your earnings and conversions in detail to understand better which products work best for you.
  • Customers are automatically assigned to you, so if somebody buys a product that you referred to using your Associate link, you’ll earn a commission even if they arrived on Amazon via some other website.
  • You can use the same signup information for both affiliates and associates programs.
  • You can also add and edit your links to your website or blog, so people can find the products you want them to purchase.

Disadvantages of Amazon Associate

  • You don’t get PAID unless somebody clicks on the link leading to (and then purchases anything from the website within 24 hours).
  • Amazon might disallow you to display some products on your website.
  • It’s harder to know precisely how much money you’ve earned because commissions are not assigned to specific products or pages but user sessions instead.

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Key Differences between Amazon Associate and Amazon Affiliate

  1. The Amazon associate program is an online platform to make money by promoting Amazon products. The Amazon affiliate program is a way to make money from Amazon by promoting the products from another website.
  2. Amazon associate is an individual seller who has been registered on amazon through a website or a blog. In contrast, an amazon affiliate is a person who is the owner of any other website, and he promotes products of amazon on his website.
  3. Amazon associate gets a fixed % of commission while Amazon affiliate gets fixed % of commission + a fixed % of the product price (for every sale the product makes.)
  4. Amazon associate has a fixed commission, while Amazon affiliates’ commission varies on the product price.
  5. Amazon associate is not allowed to use keywords like “buy” and “purchase” and “amazon,” whereas Amazon affiliates are allowed to use those keywords.
  6. Amazon associate is allowed only sale on amazon products while Amazon affiliates can also sell on amazon’s external product.
  7. Amazon associates are paid in Amazon gift cards, while Amazon affiliates get payment through cheque, bank transfer, or PayPal.
  8. Amazon associates can promote products using affiliate links only, while Amazon affiliates can also sign up for merchant accounts and promote products on their website using buy links.
  9. Amazon associates are required to give any resource like comparison charts, detailed reviews, etc., of the product, whereas Amazon affiliates do not need to provide any resource.
  10. Amazon associates are given a tag “Associate” under the names and links of their accounts to let visitors know they are promoting affiliate products. In contrast, Amazon affiliates are not given any tag.
  11. Amazon associates have to send traffic to the product page of the product they are promoting, while Amazon affiliates can send traffic to the home page of any product.


To conclude, we can say that Associate is better for those who want to earn by referring people without making them purchase anything, and Affiliate is better for those who want to achieve by making people buy anything.

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