Instagram Marketing vs. Facebook Marketing

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James Smith

Instagram is a photo-sharing app that showcases your business, while Facebook can provide more information about you and your brand. Instagram is an ideal platform for those who want to “capture” their audience with a single image instead of Facebook’s ability to display multiple pictures and videos. Still, Instagram has less audience as compared to Facebook.

What is Instagram Marketing?

Instagram Marketing vs. Facebook Marketing

Instagram marketing is a process in which brands use the social media network to build awareness, attract new followers, get more leads and drive engagement. A successful Instagram marketing strategy will always start with a solid foundation, including an effective hashtag, location, and niche. Hashtags on Instagram are one of the most effective ways to help other users notice your post. However, don’t overuse your hashtags and choose your audience wisely.


  • It uses photos and videos to show users the story behind your brand
  • It is ideal for artists, foodies, fashionistas, or anyone who wants to showcase their creative side
  • Photo and video quality matters – your audience wants to see the behind-the-scenes of your business which can be done quickly with Instagram
  • You can discover what your audience wants through hashtags
  • You can Customize your Instagram business profile to attract the attention of your target market.
  • Instagram’s Story feature allows you to post multiple photos and videos that will automatically disappear after 24 hours, which is unique compared to other platforms
  • Hashtags aren’t just for finding content related to your niche, and you can also use them to reach new customers.

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What is Facebook Marketing?

Facebook Marketing

Facebook is an influential marketing tool for businesses. It allows you to share videos, images, blog posts, and more in your newsfeed, which can help to skyrocket brand awareness. Marketers are turning to Facebook more frequently, especially with introducing more advanced features throughout the years. You can explore the many applications of Facebook to learn what is right for your business.


  • You can create awareness for your business by sharing the latest news and upcoming events.
  • With Facebook ads, you can reach new customers or strengthen relationships with existing customers through targeting.
  • You can manage and target the clients most likely to interact with your business on Facebook, translating into more sales.
  • You can make a custom audience from your email list to learn more about those who aren’t already following you.
  • You can create a Facebook page to start building a community of potential or current customers.
  • You can monitor your brand’s presence on Facebook with the social media management tool Hootsuite.
  • Facebook allows your business to gain insight by measuring data, including Likes, comments, shares, and more.

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Key Differences between Instagram Marketing and Facebook Marketing

  1. Instagram is a photo-sharing application, while Facebook is a complete social media platform.
  2. Instagram is an ideal platform for those who want to “capture” their audience with a single image instead of Facebook’s ability to display multiple pictures and videos. Still, Instagram has less audience as compared to Facebook.
  3. Instagram allows 30 seconds of consumers’ time to your brand, while Facebook provides more space for a longer engagement.
  4. If we compare with Facebook, Instagram is less in the audience but is more involved with the images they are seeing, rather than being bombarded by information.
  5. Instagram is a platform to connect and communicate with the brands and people you want, whereas Facebook will give you a more targeted and direct connection with your audience.
  6. Facebook has a more significant presence than Instagram, and Facebook allows brands to target their audience more accurately than Instagram.
  7. Facebook allows you to maximize your efforts on one platform rather than managing multiple apps on
  8. It’s a lot more challenging to reach the same amount of people on Instagram as you can on Facebook.
  9. You can reach up to thousands of people at once on Facebook, while you are restricted to your follower base on Instagram.


To summarize, both platforms have their benefits and drawbacks depending on the brand’s objectives. The best way to find out which platform is best for your business is to try both of them and look at what works best for you.

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