WordPress vs. Webflow – Whats the Difference

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Jackson Roy

WordPress and Webflow are both great options for building websites and web applications. However, there are a number of differences between the two that will impact your decision of which one to use. WordPress is a content management system, while Webflow is essentially just a website builder.

What is WordPress?

WordPress vs. Webflow

WordPress is popular content management system (CMS) that allows you to build websites.WordPress built on PHP and MySQL and can be used on your servers, one of the many managed WordPress hosting companies, or you can use a service like Now to deploy it.

WordPress was instially released in 2003, and since then, it has become the most popular CMS on the market. It’s easy to use, has tons of features and plugins, is well documented, and offers one-click installation.


  • Lots of tutorials, videos, documents, and other resources are available
  • Huge collection of plugins and themes to extend the functionality
  • One-click installation on a managed WordPress hosting provider
  • Lots of themes and templates are available
  • It has a large active community


  • Security should be monitored closely because it’s running on a server that you don’t control
  • Updates can be time-consuming and require backups to be restored
  • It’s challenging to make significant layout changes to the website with the built-in editor

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What is Webflow?

WordPress vs. Webflow

Webflow is a website builder and hosting platform. It allows you to build responsive websites and apps without touching a line of code. It’s built on top of the Webflow CMS, which is much more robust than WordPress but is only accessible through the Webflow platform.

Webflow was released in 2012 and has since grown to power over 500k websites. It is an excellent option for those who want to design and develop websites without coding knowledge.


  • Drag and drop interface.
  • No coding is required.
  • Ease of use, start working in minutes.
  • Live preview anytime on any device.
  • Unlimited undo/redo.


  • Limited in terms of customization without coding
  • Limited free templates and options
  • The free plan is very limited, and you need to upgrade to premium

Comparison Chart between WordPress and Webflowy

  1. WordPress is a great option if you plan on having a lot of content with images and videos. While Webflow is very powerful, it can be limiting if you want to create an entire website.
  2. WordPress is very easy to use; it does require additional security monitoring and occasional updates, which can take up a good mass of time, while Webflow is very easy to use but has limitations when it comes to making large-scale changes to your website.
  3. WordPress is an excellent option for blogging platforms, online shops, and manageable websites, whereas Webflow is superb for landing pages, portfolios, blogs, and small business websites.
  4. Webflow is a fantastic choice for those who want to build a website without coding. Webflow uses the innovative drag and drop interface so you can get started with making a high-quality website in no time.
  5. Webflow is an excellent choice if you want the freedom to customize the layout of your website. Still, WordPress may be a better option if you need additional features and functionality.
  6. WordPress is the clear winner in terms of popularity and user base, but Webflow is an excellent option for those who want an easy-to-use website builder.
  7. WordPress is a complete content management system with a huge community and active developer base, while Webflow is a website builder with unique features and functionalities.
  8. WordPress is a great choice if you want a CMS that can do it all, whereas Webflow is a great selection if you want a website builder that is easy to use.
  9. WordPress has lots of tutorials, an active community, and lots of options for anything you might want to do with your website, while  Webflow is very intuitive but doesn’t offer as many options out of the box.


Both WordPress and Webflow are great options, but If you want to design and develop without touching code, Webflow is an amazing choice. WordPress is the better choice if you’re looking to build a fully-functional content management system.

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