Linux vs. Unix

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James Smith

Linux vs. Unix – There are many different types of operating systems. Windows, Mac OS X, Android, iOS, Linux, and Unix. However, they are all very different from each other. Today I will be talking about Unix and Linux, which both have a variety of differences.

The two most popular types of Unix are the BSD Unix and Linux. We will focus on comparing Linux to BSD Unix. However, there are still many differences between these operating systems.

What is Linux


The most popular type of Linux is Ubuntu, which is based on Debian. It was first created in the early ’90s but only became popular in recent years because companies like Google and Facebook adopted it.

Linux is open-source software, meaning that users are free to modify, copy, and redistribute without any type of license or permission. It is also free, so you do not have to pay a single cent for it.

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Features of Linux

  • Linux is an Operating System that runs from your computer. It can be used to write documents, send emails and view the internet using browsers such as Firefox.
  • It is Open-Source, meaning it can be used for free, and everyone has the chance to contribute in some way to its development.
  • Linux is very stable, being able to manage memory efficiently and having the ability to run on supercomputers.
  • It is Secure with access controls, strong permissions, and encryption built-in to the kernel.
  • Linux is Modular, running different services in different processes to ensure that it doesn’t take everything down if one crashes.

What is Unix?


Unix is an Operating System that runs on a variety of different computers. It was created in the late ’60s and early ’70s. Unix was originally designed for AT & T’s Bell Labs employees to use, running on various computer architectures.

Unix is a set of different types of operating systems, which originated from Unix. It is commonly known as BSD; however, there are other Unix Operating Systems such as Linux and Solaris.

Features of Unix

  • UNIX is a powerful operating system used in both personal computers and servers.
  • It has hundreds of commercial applications available for it, including some designed to meet specific industries’ needs, such as oil & gas or banking & finance sectors where security must always come first!
  • In the 1970s-1980s, many universities started adopting UNIX because it had more than just programming.
  • It also had built-in networking features to share files and printers, making it ideal for universities.
  • It is a Powerful and multitasking operating system.

Key Differences

  • Linux and Unix are both popular operating systems. However, there are several key differences between the two OSs. Although Linux OSs are free to use, they require extensive coding knowledge.
  • Unix OSs offer more security than Linux OSs because system operators must approve any updates before the updates can take effect. However, Unix OSs are typically more expensive than Linux OSs.
  • Linux is open-source, meaning users can edit and redistribute the code as long as they do not break any copyright laws; however, Unix codes are copyrighted by their respective owners.
  • Due to this licensing difference, it is easier for viruses to enter Linux operating systems; therefore, many people use Unix instead of Linux because of its superior virus protection. However, both operating systems have been shown to suffer from similar security threats such as viruses and malware.
  • Linux and Unix offer many of the same benefits, but some key differences exist between the two OSs.

Linux vs. Unix – Price, Support, and Protection

Unix is more expensive than Linux while offering superior virus protection and support for commercial applications due to its licensing. In contrast, Linux offers lower costs and easier customization while requiring extensive coding knowledge.

Additionally, Unix requires administrative approval before updates can be implemented, leaving users without critical security updates in cases where approval is not easily obtained; however, this does not seem to be an issue with Linux operating systems as they update almost immediately after release. Furthermore, Linux allows users to edit and redistribute code as long as they do not break any copyright laws; however, Unix codes are copyrighted by their respective owners. Despite these differences, both Unix and Linux offer users many of the same benefits.

  • Linux is an open-source operating system created in 1991 by Linus Torvalds.
  • The name “Linux” combines the creator’s last name, Linus Torvalds, and “Unix.”
  • Today it uses on over 90% of supercomputers around the world.

However, many different types of Operating Systems (OSs), including Linux, have come into use during recent years.

  • Linux is open-source; Unix is closed source.
  • Linux is available to run on personal computers, while Unix runs mainly on large servers.
  • Unix is more common than Linux among web hosting companies.
  • Linux has a large community of developers and users.
  • Unix is more popular among large organizations.
  • Linux is not as reliable as Unix.

Comparison Chart between Linux and Unix

Comparison Linux Unix
Cost Linux is open-source and offers lower costs and easier customization while requiring extensive coding knowledge. Unix is more expensive than Linux and available in paid versions.
Development Since Linux is a free operating system, thousands of programmers collaborate online and contribute to its development. There are different versions of Unix systems. AT&T and other commercial vendors develop the majority of these versions.
User It’s for everyone. It’s for home users as well as developers and computer enthusiasts. In addition to network servers and workstations, UNIX is also used in PCs.
Text made interface The default Linux shell is BASH. This command interpreter supports multiple commands at a time. This was initially designed to operate in Bourne Shell. Currently, it can be used with many other programs.
GUI Linux comes with two key features
In the form of GUIs, namely KDE and Gnome. The options are numerous, such as Mate, LXDE, Xfce, etc.
There is also Gnome, which is a desktop environment.
Viruses Approximately 60-100 viruses have been identified in Linux, but they are not spreading. Unix has reported between 80 and 120 viruses to date.
Threat detection Since Linux is primarily community-driven, there is a speedy threat detection and solution process. In that case, if any Linux user posts a threat, a team of qualified developers works on resolving it. Linux users need to wait longer to get the proper bug-fixing patch.
Architectures It was initially designed to run on Intel’s x86 processors. It is available for more than twenty CPU types, including an ARM. The Itanium and PA-RISC versions are available.
Usage Many devices can run Linux OS, including mobile phones and tablet computers. Internet servers, workstations, and personal computers run the UNIX operating system.
Best feature No need to reboot after the kernel update DTrace – dynamic Kernel Tracking for Beta ZFS – the next generation filesystem
Versions Various versions of Linux exist, such as Red Hat, Ubuntu, OpenSuse, etc. There are different versions of Unix, such as HP-UX, AIS, BSD, etc.
Supported file type Filesystems supports the file types, such as XFS, NFS, CRAMFS, ext 1 to 4, UFFS, DDPTS, and NTFS. File types support several filesystems, including ZFS, HFX, GPS, XFS, and VXFS.
Portability You can boot Linux from a USB stick and it is portable There is no portability for Unix
Source Code Public access to the source is available Anyone can’t access the source code.


Although there are some key differences between Unix and Linux, both operating systems can meet the needs of different types of users. We have to compare both operating systems that must be valuable information for you.

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